This is part 2 of an 8 part series called EXITING THE INVERTED MATRIX.
In this episode Marco enlightens us with some very lovely, timeless, and infinite wisdom.
We talk about how imagination is a tool that Source itself uses to create, and how when we start to use our imagination, we become Co-Creators with Source. Marco describes Source as everything that does and does not exist, and that in order to have an experience we need to have contrast, which is why Source created the illusion of separation. Source fragmented itself into a multitude of experiences in which our souls can choose what dream or reality it wishes to project itself into, and as our souls weave through reality, Source gets an orgasmic sense self as it expands and contracts.
Marco explains how Co-Creation is orchestrated by resonance, in other words, our vibrational offering that creates sound, and how other individuals who are tuned in to those frequencies will come along to help further trigger the remembering of who we are. As we connect with others, and as we exercise our uniqueness, joy, and imagination, together we can move the energy by way of action that will create more and more resonance and frequencies that will attract more and more people into alignment with the creative process.
I asked Marco what the difference is between manifesting and creating and he said that manifesting is based on a sense of lack that serves to draw things already created nearer to us, whereas, creating is using our true essence to crystalize our vibrational offering or energy that has the potential to impact the multi-verse. Co-creation with each other is what we need today in order to evolve and to be of service to all of humanity, so that we can create a bridge into the new reality.
Marco tells how our human avatars are the most beautiful and sublime of all the avatars, with infinite possibilities, but that for the last 10,000 years we have been shut down in our capabilities, and because of this we have forgotten what being human really means.
Stay tuned for Part 3 – “From the Heart”