Perhaps the most important thing in this delicate moment, extraordinary, wonderful in many ways but also very dramatic in others, in this moment of great transmutation transition on the human journey, perhaps the most important thing is to understand, but even better, to feel who we really are. This because as long as we a have an absolute definition of what we think we are, based on the narrative that comes from outside, it is very difficult for us to face the great period and transformation process which is going on right now.
As long as we let the narrative that comes from outside define us, our predisposition, our situation will always be of dependency. When we get completely lost in this game, in this operating system, and we believe that the game is the only thing that exists, and even more we believe that we are the game, and that when the game is over we no longer exist, this absolute identification with the narrative that comes from outside does not allow us to play the game as if it was a game. And so we get lost in it. and what was supposed to be a game becomes an extremely serious, extremely dramatic, extremely contracted situation.
The moment we understand that we are simply playing a game and we know we have tons of other games we can play at any given moment, and we know this game is simply a moment for the soul, a blink of the eyes 50 100 years are nothing from the point of view of the soul So if we play the game by embracing our soul and recognizing our soul as our true identity, as the most truthful, most organic representation of what we are, the game is no longer contracted. It is no longer dramatic.
And so we can still get lost in the game with great passion, but a bit like when we watch a movie with extraordinary actors, we get lost in the film in the narrative, in the drama, in the colors, in the Flavors, in the sounds of this extraordinary cinematic event, but as much as we get excited, part of us remains aware that we are watching a movie. And so we can enjoy it with all its colors, without getting lost in it is losing our identity and our self in it without believing that we are the film we are watching. Most of us have observed have been watching this movie in this earthly game for so long that they have come to believe that they are the movie. And therefore the film, that was meant to be simply an experience, has now become drama, it is still an experience, but a much, much more intense experience than it was meant to be.
So who are we? We are life. We are the Source, we are an expression of the source of life. Through which it is having an experience. It is leaving an experience. This is because Source is everything. There is nothing outside Source. And when you are everything paradoxically, and I use adjectives and a language which is actually not equipped to properly describe what life is, also because life cannot be understood in its entirety Life can only be felt, however Source is everything, and when we are everything, we cannot understand what we are.
If we place ourselves in front of a blank canvas and we are painters, until we put some colors or some chiaroscuro in the canvas it is impossible to have an experience. There is only white, there is only the infinite white in front of our eyes, so there is no experience, but when we choose a color or create a chiaroscuro, it is now possible through the contrast to understand who we are. Therefore Source l in order to be able to understand and understand is not the right word, but we use this. In order to understand what it is Source fragment itself. It fragments and creates, creates the illusion of fragmentation, creates the illusion of separation.
In reality, if you are everything you cannot separate yourself. It is simply an illusion. And this illusory fragmentation releases an energy, an energy that is in motion, that is creative, and through this movement and this creativity Source can live itself in an infinite number of ways and thus the Source fragments and separates, creates the illusion of fragmentation, creates the illusion of separation in an infinity of holograms, of vibration, densities, projections, of solar systems, of galaxies, of universes, of operating systems. Each of these operating systems, we can call them matrixes ..they are matrixes.
A matrix is simply an operating system where there are features and rules that are created. Where you can experience a specific game and therefore in front of an infinity of operating systems, of matrices, of games, the soul, which is a fragmentation of Source, therefore it is Source simply in a creative nucleus, the soul chooses based of its purposes, it chooses his next adventure. All the present in this operating system which is called earth experience are souls who have chosen this as an adventure, they have been fascinated by this curriculum, by this incredible diversity and uniqueness of the experience of the hologram of Mother Earth’s operating system and so they have accepted, let’s say, this challenge. They put on this Avatar, this extraordinary human costume and accepted the challenge of diving into this incredible diversity of frequencies, of sounds, and pulsations, and colors, and flavors, and emotions to have an extraordinary experience.
So if we keep in mind. that we are a soul that at this moment temporarily. is wearing this Avatar, this costume, to play, with the typical Joy of the soul, an extraordinary game and wonderful which is the one in this planet Earth, if we keep in mind that we are simply a soul who is wearing this costume and is having a physical experience then yes we can play the role of father, son, mother, friend, of doctor, of lawyer of Hollywood Celebrity, , of poor man, rich, sick, handsome, ugly, young, old, we can play all these roles but as if it were a game there is no absolute identification with these roles, so we wear these Masks we live an experience with passion with great joy and we get lost in it up to a certain degree, we get lost in this experience, but we always keep ourself always connected with the fact that this is simply an experience.
At any time we can choose another experience. Because we don’t know stop to live, we don’t stop to exist at the moment this experience ends. And among other things consciously or unconsciously We decide how long this experience lasts. We decide all the roles. that we want to interpret and roles of what is our surrounding that they want to interpret, we have organized everything, we have orchestrated everything ourselves and at anytime we can change the rules of the game, we can change the game or we can stay in the game until the end, but again, when we know that we are not the game, that we are not the role we are playing, but we are Source that is playing this game for the blink of an eye, then with this awareness we can face this Tsunami of great transformation that is happening right now, in this moment in which we are at the end of a cycle and we are moving into a new cycle of what we call the human experience, we can do everything without getting lost in it. And therefore without getting lost in the low emotions in the dramas.
It is easy then to position ourselves in the center of the tsunami, where there is peace, there is an inner strength that knows beyond the tsunami, that goes beyond the tsunami. And then he can just enjoy this Tsunami, play with it, and also help to transform it. And with this predisposition, to be of great support to all the others who are affected by the tsunami. And therefore the passage from the old dream to the new one, it becomes too, an extraordinary experience…
Marco Missinato
Musica di Marco Missinato
Dall’album “Wings of Love”