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One of the elements that characterize life as we have known it so far is Fear fear hovers, flies free in all corners of this planet, is always perfectly nourished, and is at the base, there are exceptions, but it is the basis of our decision-making power. Most of us act, choose to do or not to do, choose relationships, choose logistics, choose work, choose their physical appearance, manipulate their physical appearance, all through fear. Now fear is not necessarily terror, it can also be worry, it can be a restlessness, a doubt. All these emotions that are contracted do not expand our energy but they contract it. They are fundamentally based on fear, so at the root of these emotions is fear Fear is created by the ego, the soul does not know fear The ego only knows fear and creates fantastic narratives based on this feeling, this emotion, fear. And the fear can be like very very subtle, very very let’s say almost imperceptible, or it can be extremely intense But if we go to see on a vibrational level it is for many of us a constant in our life. Even in moments when we feel contented or happy, however even that contentment and happiness, is not always or rarely truly pure. It is a contentment that in any case brings with it its opposite, it is a contentment, it is a happiness that to justify their existence they need their opposite and therefore it is a contentment, it is a happiness that fluctuates. One day it is there, one day it disappears, one day it comes back. And so there are these swings, up and down, up and down, one day I’m ecstatic for life, one day I’m depressed. One day I am angry, Another day I’m happy another day then I’m back down again … And these swings prove that all these emotional temperature changes are created not by the soul, but by the voice of the ego. There are many ways to look at our fear, to observe our fear. To understand it .. If we have gotten to the point where we want to do this work, because many have not yet gotten to this point, but one way to perceive fear is to see it as a gift. We can choose to see our fear as a gift through which, an opportunity, a possibility has come to the surface In this way we can even declare that fear is our friend, it is a great help. We can also say that fear. is important because it helps us a bit like pain in the body. Pain helps us understand that something is wrong with our body. If we did not feel pain we would not realize that our body has a problem, and then eventually our operating system would collapse, it would collapse because, not having felt pain, we continued our journey without thinking that something was wrong, and therefore the body would at some point collapse But through the pain the body tells us: Look there is something wrong with this arm, for example. Check it out so you can do something about it. So pain is a friend of mine who signals to me that there is something wrong with the body so that I can notice it and can make any changes necessary to restore the health of the body The same thing is with fear. When we feel fear, and now we go beyond the ego narrative, but when we feel fear it is our operating system that tells us: Look, your way of feeling life is out of harmony, it is off center. There is a belief, an idea, a program that you have adopted that is taking you out off from what is your natural state of being, from what is your, let’s say, normal, organic state of being So fear helps us to identify those emotions, those thoughts, those stories, those programs that do not belong to us and seen from this point of view fear is a great friend, it is a great gift So when fear surfaces in our existence in any format, whether it is sadness, whether it is anger, whether it is frustration or impatience, whether it is doubtful whether it is envy, jealousy, all these fantastic low emotions, when they surface, we know that fear exists behind it and therefore they are emotions that we must observe, through fear we identify them and we have the possibility to understand that in them there is an alarm signal that tells us: attention, your operating system at this moment is not in line with natural state of being. Go see what it is. So that you can remove this bizarre idea of worry, or anger, jealousy, or insecurity, of what it is, of those low emotions. And then when you can let it go you can restore let’s say your operating system so that it gets back to working as it should Perhaps this is the most organic and intelligent way of observing and communicating with our fears.
Marco Missinato
Musica di Marco Missinato
Dall’album “Wings of Love”