As the transition between the old dream and the new one develops. As the transformation progresses the transmutation that is operating in our planet at this moment, and the, to use a metaphor, the caterpillar becomes more and more aware that it is a butterfly. As this happens, a new love wants to be born. In reality it is not a new love, it is the original love that, for a time, for a cycle, we have put aside to live experiences in the lower And this love, which is new to most of us, is a love that has very different characteristics from the love we have been used to.
In this cycle, which is coming to its conclusion, the caterpillar loves differently from the butterfly. The love of the caterpillar is a love based on protection. It is a love based on need, on defense, on It is a very beautiful, very interesting love. But it is a love that is based on separation. It is a love that is mostly generated by the ego. So by an artificial intelligence. So with this love we project, or have so far projected on the loved object, or on the one or she whom we love, a whole series of let’s say vibrations. And so we project onto the one and the one we love, a need, an We also project the sense of sacrifice at times. We project conditions. We project, through this love, an addictive situation in which my happiness depends on the one or the other I love. Depending on how he or she prepares, I feel more or less loved. So the degree of happiness I feel is the responsibility of the loved object. And so we have embraced in the past 10,000 years a love more and more contracted, more and more heavy, more and more imprisoning. We can talk about all loves, love from Mother father to son or daughter. The love between two lovers, two companions, the love between friends, the love for our country.
So this love is a love that is continually based on need, so I need you to fill my container of love. I need you to feel that all is well. and that I’m ok. My love is a love based on sacrifice and therefore I sacrifice myself for the children. Or I even become a martyr for my country, for my homeland. It is a love that cares. I am worried about you because I love you and therefore I am worried, and therefore my worry creates anxiety and this anxiety cannot be relieved until I make sure that you are okay. It is a love based on judgment. So I love you or love you, but only and when you behave in the way that I think is right, when your way of dealing with life is in line with my senses of right and wrong. If you overflow, if you get out of my senses of right and wrong, my love diminishes. It is an imprisoning love, which imprisons How many times do we, consciously or unconsciously, feel that our freedom is limited when we are in front of the one we love? Whether it’s a parent, a child, a lover, a bride, a bridegroom, a friend, suddenly our freedom acquires limits. And therefore we cannot be completely ourselves when we are in the presence of those we love. To be ourselves. we have to be alone.
When he or she who we love immediately enters the scene, our freedom is limited because there are a whole series of roles that we must play, there are a whole series of circumstances and rules that we must respect and which are often not in line. with what we really feel in our hearts, but to continue the dance of love as we know it, we must wear this And these customs change and therefore when I am in front of my father or my mother, I wear a costume that alters my natural state of being or forces a whole series of behaviors, aspects, ways of being, because we know that the our parents, and this is an example, they love through the filters of specific rules, ideas they have adopted, programs, judgments, needs, fears, and therefore, when I enter, when I am in their presence, I wear a costume that, in a certain way, sense, it creates a comfort zone, it creates an area in which we feel reassured, protected, validated, liked, appreciated. And then, when we are in front of, for example, our lover or our partner a companion of ours, here we change our costume once again, we wear another one. This time it’s a costume in line with the dance and the rules we have, let’s say, established with this other soul we dance with, this kind of And the customs change based on who we continually meet.
And so, if we meet a friend, here we are wearing another costume. If we talk to our son, our daughter, there is another costume. If we go to work in our workplace, we have another costume. And customs also change based on the idea of hierarchy. So sometimes it is a custom that exudes a sense of superiority, when what do I know, we talk to the cleaning lady, or to a homeless on the street, a Homeless, or to someone we feel socially superior to, or intellectually superior to. , or physically sometimes even higher. And then instead we wear a costume that embraces inferiority when we are in front of our employer, or our parents, or a famous person, a doctor, a lawyer, and we immediately put on a costume that reduces our vibration to, once again, play the interaction game according to the rules established by the curriculum, by society, by what we call reality. This is the love we have embraced so far. A love that has given us so many emotions. and it is a love that has given us so many experiences from which we have learned so many things. We have learned different facets of what separation is, what constriction is, what limits, low emotions, or even high emotions can be, so this continuous oscillation between high emotions and low emotions. This is Love. of the ego. It is artificial love. It is a love, let’s say synthetic.
The butterfly loves differently. The caterpillar rightly inside the cocoon must survive. And so it projects a quality of love based on survival, scarcity, need, separation, fear. When the butterfly opens its wings and takes its flight, it leaves behind this contracted love, this heavy love, this sticky love, this imprisoning love, and frees itself in flight in the mystery of life. As he embraces more and more the mystery of life, his love becomes more and more the celebration of free will, the celebration of absolute freedom. So when a butterfly loves its love it is His love looks at you and appreciates your perfection. It doesn’t matter how it expresses itself at that moment. She appreciates it. She doesn’t judge it right or wrong, superior or inferior, good or bad. The butterfly sees love simply as the synonym for freedom. Where everyone can fly in any flower they choose, in any way. It can fly high, low, right, left. Go to the ground or go up to the stars. It can meet with other butterflies, dance free its dance.
The new love that wants to be born is the love of the source of life itself. It is love that sees perfection in everything. It is love that travels not through judgment, not through fear, not through these strong emotional swings, but it travels through resonance and dissonance. So when he hears a resonance he goes towards it. When he hears a dissonance he changes direction. But it doesn’t do this through an emotional reaction, or through judgment. It does this simply because it feels no resonance. But whether there is resonance or dissonance, this does not change its quality of love. It sees perfection in both resonance and dissonance. And through this perfection he chooses what he wants to live and moves away from what he doesn’t need to live. In this moment of great transformation, of great transmutation. In this passage between the old and the new dream, the contracted love begins to melt. We hug more and more. original love, love of the source of life. The love that says: you are perfect just as you are, in every moment. It is a love that does not create superiority or inferiority. It does not create separation. It does not create judgment. It is a love that gives only joy and
So when he hears a resonance he goes towards it. When he hears a dissonance he changes direction. But it doesn’t do this through an emotional reaction, or through judgment. It does this simply because it feels no resonance. But whether there is resonance or dissonance, this does not change its quality of love. It sees perfection in both resonance and dissonance. And through this perfection he chooses what he wants to live and moves away from what he doesn’t need to live. In this moment of great transformation, of great transmutation. In this passage between the old and the new dream, the contracted love begins to melt. We hug more and more. original love, love of the source of life. The love that says: you are perfect just as you are, in every moment. It is a love that does not create superiority or inferiority. It does not create separation. It does not create judgment. It is a love that gives only joy and freedom
Marco Missinato
Musica di Marco Missinato
Dall’album “Wings of Love”
Marco Missinato