Perceiving life through rationality creates a very limited vision of our path. Because reason is not equipped to understand, to comprehend all aspects of creation. To understand life we must add the feeling of life. When we add feeling to life, we invite the soul to share its view which is a non-linear view, but it is a holistic view, and thus navigating through the human path with our soul helps us to perceive a ray of possibility, and of potentiality, and of reality much, much wider and vaster than when we navigate the same human path only through the terms and rules of reason. Reason plays an important role in our journey and absolutely must not be canceled, or removed, or even reduced. But reason must dance with feeling, with our intuition, with perceptions, which come from other aspects of our navigation. Then the game becomes a team and our perception is 360 degrees. And although life, however, is always and always will be a mystery, in this mystery we are able to dance our dance in a much more organic way, much more impactful, in a much more expansive way than those who instead limit themselves to reasoning, to understand through reasoning. If I do not see I do not believe. One plus one equals two. If it is not proven by science it does not exist. These are the big limitations of those who have only an analytical aspect, who continually analyze their existence and before accepting something they must have proof that it exists. And there is nothing wrong with that. But in this way the path is usually very very very slow, and it lacks a creative vibration. It is lifeless. Whereas, on the other hand, when we also add our feeling to reason, we also add the voice of our soul, of our heart to reason, then our doing and our acting have an extraordinarily lively vibration. They have a vibrant light. They have a spherical rotary movement, but of a spiral where each rotation is different from the other. And so there’s a dynamic, there’s a creative flow that’s ever-expanding. It is not as fixed as those who think. It is therefore the harmonious dance between masculine and feminine energy, the one that each of us, regardless of whether we are men or women, each of us must achieve an energetic harmony where the masculine and the feminine dance together a dance in harmony between them.
Marco Missinato
Musica di Marco Missinato
Dall’album “Wings of Love”